intro to bimbo


screenshot of the post that started it all

when i was in the 5th grade i got into making my own websites. mostly they were just simple pages where i proudly displayed my collection of Dragonball Z gifs i had downloaded, but that's not the point

the point is, if a 10 year old could make a website in the 90s, it should be even easier for an adult to make one in the 2020s…right?

i mean, yeah? kinda. not as easy as i would like tho. there's no shortage of paths you could take to create your own personal website, but i've recently had a difficult time choosing a path for myself, much less someone who hasn't been doing stuff like this since they were a child

so i made a new path.

a path for Bimbos, by Bimbos.

static site generators

Bimbo is a "static site generator" - a tool that can help you build a website without having to do a lot of busy work (e.g. writing bespoke HTML for every page). there is no shortage of tools like this (and honestly, most of them are probably better than mine[1]), but they tend to assume you already know a lot about web development and have time to read a ton of documentation to use them

i somehow find myself in a weird space where i don't have enough time to learn any of these existing tools, but did have time to make my own. go figure.

the goal of Bimbo is to be simple enough that you don't have to hold very much knowledge in your head to use it. you'll edit some files, let Bimbo do its thing, and in seconds you'll have a complete website ready to be uploaded to a hosting service.


yes, files. you will need to edit some text files for this.

Bimbo is not a visual editor but it does come with its own web server that reloads automatically when you make changes.

i promise it's not that bad.

classic animated gif of Goku from Dragonball Z

  1. i've personally used Eleventy (11ty) before and it seems nice. if you wanted something more mature/advanced, that's probably what i would recommend (along with the Strawberry Starter template) ↩︎

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